Sharkadelic Summer – Thursday, August 13th at 9PM ET/PT

Shark Week 2020

Discovery Channel, ThursAug 13th beginning at 8pm (ET/PT)

Tonight’s Shark Week 2020 lineup kicks off with Air Jaws 2020, a celebration of 20 years of specials about high-flying great whites. Following that at 9pm (ET/PT)is Sharkadelic Summer, in which Snoop Dogg helps learn why great whites are taking up residence along the shores of the United States; and at 10pm Mako Nation, which follows researchers in their quest to learn more about mako sharks.

‘Sharkadelic Summer’

Rapper Snoop Dogg breaks down the craziest encounters, marvels at the wild and unpredictable reactions, and meets with experts trying to unlock the secrets behind why great white sharks are taking up residence along America’s shores.

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